Credit Card - Bank BTB
Internet Banking Credit Calculator
Criteria Terms
  • Loan for public sector employees
  • Loan for private sector employees
  • Pensioners (this loan is applicable only pensipensionersretired due to age and employment period)
Age limit Min.20 – max.70 (at the end of the loan term)
Current work experience Min. 6 months
Amount of loan Min. 300 AZN - Max. 10 000 AZN 
Currency of loan AZN
Period  12, 24 months
Type of Card  Visa Classic / Master Standard
Annual interest rate (nominal)

 AZN: min 20%




  • 24 months credit loan contract. 12 month bank card
  • 36 months  credit loan contract, 24 month bank card

Withdraw commission : complies to the actual card tariffs

Credit comission

Authorization commission:0%

Withdrawl:According to the tariff rates for transactions and services performed with a card


Active period: the interest must be paid every month, and the principal must be paid in full by the end of the credit period

Deactive period: Monthly annuity

Actual annual interest rate



Kredit kalkulyatoru



  • Additional documents can be required in special occasions by loan officer in order to analyse borrower precisely.
